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walkie-talkie outdoor unit 10 kilometers high power handset mini small hotel construction site one-click frequency counter
CN ¥ 35
uv double band walkie-talkie dp4600 high-power mountain outdoor self-driving fleet maritime ship civil aviation section
CN ¥ 240
uv double band walkie-talkie 8100 high-power mountain outdoor self-driving fleet maritime ship civil aviation section handheld unit
CN ¥ 148
quansheng uv-5rplus uv-k5 series walkie-talkie double band outdoor civil handheld transceiver high-power foreign trade exclusive
CN ¥ 79
kt8900 mini car table double band wireless intercom interphone platform uv car table one-click frequency aviation frequency
CN ¥ 280
compatible with gp88s/380/p040/p080/pro-3150 250/450 model pmnn4017 battery
CN ¥ 50
applicable to gp320gp340gp328 gp338gp380ptx760ptx960gp360pro5150hnn9013
CN ¥ 55
applicable to gp320gp340gp328 gp338gp380ptx760ptx960gp360pro5150hnn9009
CN ¥ 55
applicable to ht1250/ht750 model hnn4001a/pmnn4457/pmnn4157a
CN ¥ 60
compatible with gp328 plusgp388gp344 model pmnn4023 battery
CN ¥ 55
compatible with gp328 plusgp388gp344 battery model pmnn4024cr
CN ¥ 60
compatible with xirp6620/xirp6600/dp2400 battery model pmnn4415
CN ¥ 60
compatible with p8606p8660gpdxpr3300xpr3500 battery pmnn4407/4406/4491ac
CN ¥ 60
compatible with p8608p8660gp328 dxpr3300xpr3500xpr7500dp4601 battery pmnn4409
CN ¥ 60
applicable to apx-2000/3000/4000 battery model nntn8128a
CN ¥ 60
applicable to apx-2000/3000/4000 model nntn8129ar battery
CN ¥ 210
applicable to cp1200cp1300cp1660c2620ep350cp185p145pmnn4082br
CN ¥ 55
applicable to cp1200cp1300cp1660c2620ep350cp185p145pmnn4404artpmnn4081
CN ¥ 55
applicable to mtp700mtp750 battery model pmnn4049
CN ¥ 55
applicable to mtp800mtp850ptx850 battery model ftn6574bc
CN ¥ 45
applicable to mtx838/8000/9000gp990/1200ht1000mt2000ntn7143
CN ¥ 55
compatible with xts3000/5000 battery model ntn8294/ntn8299
CN ¥ 65
compatible with xts2500/1500/pr1500 battery model ntn9815/nntn9858
CN ¥ 70
compatible with xts2500/pr1500 battery model ntn7335/7032b
CN ¥ 85
compatible with moto walkie-talkie xts4000 battery model nntn6944
CN ¥ 85
compatible with moto walkie-talkie xts4000 battery model pmnn4083
CN ¥ 75
applicable to motoa10 (thin) a12cp110cp1180ep150 two way radio battery model rln6305b
CN ¥ 55
applicable to motoa10a12cp1100cp1180ep150 two way radio battery model rln6308b
CN ¥ 60
compatible with moto walkie-talkie q5q9q11vz-9 battery model fnb-150
CN ¥ 45
compatible with moto walkie-talkie mtp310031503250 battery model nntn8020ac
CN ¥ 60
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