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Home > 星光日用百货优选
shoes cleaning machine household mini small shoe brushing machine automatic shoe washing lazy shoe washing machine dehydration spin-dry


  • EXW Price:
    From: ¥ 108.4
    Min. order: 1 table
  • 1 table
  • Exchage Rate 1 CNY ≈ 0.1419 USD
  • Weight 1.0 kg/table
  • specifications
  • Specifications
    Specifications Price(RMB) Stock Quantity
    small-sized in blue [1-2 pairs] + dehydrated(小款蓝色【1-2双】+可脱水) ¥185.23 999 table available
    fashion medium white【 2-3 pairs] + dehydrated(时尚中款白色【2-3双】+可脱水) ¥232.26 1000 table available
    fashionable medium green [2-3 pairs] + dehydrated(时尚中款绿色【2-3双】+可脱水) ¥232.26 999 table available
    fashion medium pink [2-3 pairs] + dehydrated(时尚中款粉色【2-3双】+可脱水) ¥232.26 1000 table available
    luxury big, white [5-8 pairs] + dehydrated(豪华大款白色【5-8双】+可脱水) ¥258.72 999 table available
    luxury large black [5-8 pairs] + dehydrated(豪华大款黑色【5-8双】+可脱水) ¥258.72 999 table available
    luxury large basket color [5-8 pairs] + dehydrated(豪华大款篮色【5-8双】+可脱水) ¥258.72 1000 table available
    luxury large black and red [5-8 pairs] + dehydrated(豪华大款黑红【5-8双】+可脱水) ¥258.72 999 table available
    elegant large white【 5-8 pairs] + dehydrated(气质大款白色【5-8双】+可脱水) ¥291.06 1000 table available
    elegant large black [5-8 pairs] + dehydrated(气质大款黑色【5-8双】+可脱水) ¥291.06 1000 table available
    beautiful big rose red [5-8 pairs] + dehydrated(颜值大款玫红【5-8双】+可脱水) ¥291.06 1000 table available
    beautiful big black and white [5-8 pairs] + dehydrated(颜值大款黑白【5-8双】+可脱水) ¥291.06 1000 table available
    appearance value big, white [5-8 pairs] + dehydrated(颜值大款白色【5-8双】+可脱水) ¥291.06 999 table available
    small-sized in blue [1-2 pieces] + non-dehydrated(小款蓝色【1-2件】+不可脱水) ¥108.4 1000 table available
    Summary 0 table Subtotal:¥ 0 Selected ∧
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