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Home > 海淘优选日用百货
my world magnetic block strong magnetic geometric building blocks strong magnetic parts intellective toys 2.0 square building blocks


  • EXW Price: Min. order:
  • 10 piece
  • Exchage Rate 1 CNY ≈ 0.1422 USD
  • Item No. 大量批发加 经理微信 19198377156 更优惠
  • specifications
  • Specifications
    Specifications Stock Quantity
    800-1 building block doll (random style)(800-积木人偶1个(款式随机)) ¥0.0 9812 piece available
    random square (not allowed) (20mm size strong magnetic)(随机方块(不接受指定)(20MM尺寸强磁)) ¥0.0 27872 piece available
    001 soil(001泥土) ¥0.0 5906943 piece available
    002 grassland(002草地) ¥0.0 58808 piece available
    003 dried wood(003枯木) ¥0.0 63300 piece available
    004 snow(004雪地) ¥0.0 68614 piece available
    005 sand(005沙子) ¥0.0 21341 piece available
    006 water(006水) ¥0.0 2295 piece available
    007 ice(007冰) ¥0.0 89000 piece available
    008 snow(008雪) ¥0.0 99133 piece available
    009 bedrock(009基岩) ¥0.0 98706 piece available
    010 coal block(010煤方块) ¥0.0 99308 piece available
    011 iron ore(011铁矿石) ¥0.0 99192 piece available
    012 copper ore(012铜矿石) ¥0.0 99349 piece available
    013 gold ore(013金矿石) ¥0.0 98823 piece available
    014 lapis lazuli(014青金石) ¥0.0 99276 piece available
    015 red ore(015红矿石) ¥0.0 99258 piece available
    016 diamond ore(016钻石矿石) ¥0.0 98629 piece available
    017 emerald ore(017绿宝石矿石) ¥0.0 99260 piece available
    018 ''augite(018萤辉石) ¥0.0 99425 piece available
    019 stone(019石头) ¥0.0 97497 piece available
    020 pebble(020鹅卵石) ¥0.0 99456 piece available
    021 moss cobblestone(021苔藓鹅卵石) ¥0.0 99723 piece available
    022 hell rock(022地狱岩) ¥0.0 99516 piece available
    023 obsidian(023黑曜石) ¥0.0 98723 piece available
    024 luminous obsidian(024发光黑曜石) ¥0.0 99577 piece available
    025 birch(025桦木) ¥0.0 99172 piece available
    026 oak(026橡木) ¥0.0 97638 piece available
    027 oak leaf(027橡树叶) ¥0.0 97499 piece available
    028 watermelon(028西瓜) ¥0.0 99408 piece available
    029 cactus(029仙人掌) ¥0.0 99419 piece available
    030 pumpkin(030南瓜) ¥0.0 99699 piece available
    031 pumpkin lamp(031南瓜灯) ¥0.0 99619 piece available
    032 luminous pumpkin lamp(032发光南瓜灯) ¥0.0 99436 piece available
    033 wooden board(033木板) ¥0.0 97539 piece available
    034 birch wood board(034桦木木板) ¥0.0 99170 piece available
    035 spruce wood board(035云杉木板) ¥0.0 99658 piece available
    036 jungle wood board(036丛林木板) ¥0.0 99643 piece available
    037 dark oak board(037深色橡木板) ¥0.0 99666 piece available
    038 lovesickness board(038相思木板) ¥0.0 99547 piece available
    039 bricks(039砖块) ¥0.0 97004 piece available
    040 red brick(040红砖) ¥0.0 99587 piece available
    041 ghost brick(041幽冥之砖) ¥0.0 99842 piece available
    042 stone brick(042石砖) ¥0.0 98571 piece available
    043 moss stone brick(043青苔石砖) ¥0.0 99562 piece available
    044 dark rock brick(044深色岩砖) ¥0.0 99610 piece available
    045 polished blackstone brick(045抛光黑石砖) ¥0.0 99838 piece available
    046 prism brick(046棱柱砖) ¥0.0 99530 piece available
    047 quartz brick(047石英砖) ¥0.0 99624 piece available
    048 coal sheet(048煤块) ¥0.0 99729 piece available
    Summary 0 piece Subtotal:¥ 0 Selected ∧
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  • Description

Packaging information

CTN Size: 40 × 40 × 40 cm

G.W./CTN:1 kg

QTY/CTN:2000 piece/carton

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Update time:20241226222350

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