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zhejiang tianke wss-411 pointer type radial stainless steel axial universal electric contact bimetal thermometer

浙江天科 WSS-411指针式 径向不锈钢轴向万向 电接点双金属温度计

  • EXW Price:
    From: ¥ 86.25
    Min. order: 1 table
  • 1 table
  • Exchage Rate 1 CNY ≈ 0.1422 USD
  • Weight 1.0 kg/table
  • specifications
  • Specifications
    Specifications Price(RMB) Stock Quantity
    probe size 10 * 300mm(探头尺寸10*300mm) ¥86.25 816 table available
    probe size 10 * 500mm(探头尺寸10*500mm) ¥98.75 991 table available
    probe size 10 * 700mm(探头尺寸10*700mm) ¥100.0 942 table available
    probe size 10 * 800mm(探头尺寸10*800mm) ¥150.0 961 table available
    probe size 10 * 1000mm(探头尺寸10*1000mm) ¥200.0 969 table available
    dial diameter 60mm(表盘直径60mm) ¥86.25 987 table available
    dial diameter 100mm(表盘直径100mm) ¥98.75 970 table available
    dn25 flange connection(DN25法兰连接) ¥156.25 978 table available
    contact customer service for selection details(选型详情咨询客服) ¥96.25 888 table available
    axial wss-401(轴向WSS-401) ¥86.25 406 table available
    radial wss-411(径向WSS-411) ¥86.25 440 table available
    universal wss-481(万向WSS-481) ¥125.0 540 table available
    electric contact thermometer(电接点温度计) ¥225.0 319 table available
    remote bimetallic thermometer(远传双金属温度计) ¥175.0 555 table available
    shock-resistant bimetallic thermometer(耐震型双金属温度计) ¥175.0 117 table available
    Summary 0 table Subtotal:¥ 0 Selected ∧
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  • Description




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