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304 natural color spiral lunch box 14cm two layers (36 pieces per box) outer box 58*43.5*64(304本色螺旋饭盒14cm两层(一箱36支)外箱58*43.5*64) | ¥49.0 | 80169 piece available |
304 natural color spiral lunch box 14cm three layers (24 pieces per box) outer box 58*43.5*55(304本色螺旋饭盒14cm三层(一箱24支)外箱58*43.5*55) | ¥58.5 | 99934 piece available |
304 natural color spiral lunch box 14cm four layers (24 pieces per box) outer box 58*43.5*67(304本色螺旋饭盒14cm四层(一箱24支)外箱58*43.5*67) | ¥69.0 | 99937 piece available |
304 natural color spiral lunch box 14cm five layers (24 pieces per box) outer box 58*43.5*67(304本色螺旋饭盒14cm五层(一箱24支)外箱58*43.5*67) | ¥79.5 | 99915 piece available |
304 natural color spiral lunch box 14cm six layers(304本色螺旋饭盒14cm六层) | ¥90.0 | 99986 piece available |
304-16cm natural color two-layer lunch box (24 pieces per box) outer box 66*50*51(304-16cm本色两层饭盒(一箱24支)外箱66*50*51) | ¥53.0 | 999999 piece available |
304-16cm natural color three-layer lunch box (24 pieces per box) outer box 66*50*66(304-16cm本色三层饭盒(一箱24支)外箱66*50*66) | ¥65.0 | 999999 piece available |
304-16cm natural color four-layer lunch box (18 pieces per box) outer box 50*50*81(304-16cm本色四层饭盒(一箱18支)外箱50*50*81) | ¥76.0 | 999999 piece available |
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