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023 Rabbit Year New Spring Festival 7306 Famous Dragon and Phoenix Background Calligraphy Spring Couplet Wholesale Factory Door Couplet Fu Character


  • EXW Price:
    From: ¥ 3.9
    Min. order: 100 pay
  • 100 pay
  • Exchage Rate 1 CNY ≈ 0.1419 USD
  • Weight 0.5 kg/pay
  • Sales method Sold by lot ,1 lot =10 pay
  • specification
  • Specifications
    Specifications Price(RMB) Stock Quantity
    4. 0# New Year's Big Ji Ding Caiwang, Good Year Shunjing Fugui Long Horizontal Approval: My Lucky Stars (Real Length 225 * 34cm)(4.0#新春大吉丁财旺,佳年顺景富贵长 横批:福星高照(实长225*34CM)) ¥9.9 999999 pay available
    1.3# Old and Young Kangning Wealth, Business Prosperity SLEEMON Horizontal Approval: my Lucky Stars (Real Length 117 * 21cm)(1.3#老少康宁财入户,事业昌盛喜临门 横批:福星高照(实长117*21CM)) ¥4.9 300 pay available
    3.0# Good Luck Maestro, Rich and Safe Hundred Blessings to Horizontal Batch: Five Blessings (Real Length 198 * cm)(3.0#吉祥如意万事顺,富贵平安百福来 横批:五福临门(实长198*32CM)) ¥8.9 587 pay available
    2.2# My Lucky Stars Safe House, Good Scenery Often Comes to Leisure Home Horizontal Approval: Safe Trip (Real Length 178 * 28cm)(2.2#福星高照平安宅,好景常临康乐家 横批:出入平安(实长178*28CM)) ¥7.9 17 pay available
    4.0# Wealth Is Auspicious Every Year, and Lucky Wealth Comes Day by Day: My Lucky Stars (Real Length 225 * 34cm)(4.0#富贵吉祥年年在,如意财源日日来 横批:福星高照(实长225*34CM)) ¥9.9 517 pay available
    4.0# Flowers Bloom and Ruyi Niannianhao, bamboo Presages Safety Step-by-Step Horizontal Approval: All the Best (Real Length 225 * 34cm)(4.0#花开如意年年好,竹报平安步步高 横批:万事如意(实长225*34CM)) ¥9.9 999999 pay available
    1.6# Welcome New Year Hongfu, jiqing Xianghe Good Luck: My Lucky Stars (Real Length 148 * 24cm)(1.6#喜迎新春鸿福到,吉庆祥和好运来 横批:福星高照(实长148*24CM)) ¥5.9 337 pay available
    2.2# Seeking Wealth, Shunjing, Fang Li, Safe Trip Things Have Been Approved: the New Year Is Good (Real Length 178 * 28cm)(2.2#求财顺景方方利,出入平安事事成 横批:新春大吉(实长178*28CM)) ¥7.9 86 pay available
    3.0# Flowers Bloom and Wealth to Welcome the New Year, bamboo Presages Safety Qingjia Festival Horizontal Batch: My Lucky Stars (Real Length 198 * cm)(3.0#花开富贵迎新春,竹报平安庆佳节 横批:福星高照(实长198*32CM)) ¥8.9 80 pay available
    3.0# Happy Gas Yingmen Long Fortune, My Lucky Stars Liyuan Long Horizontal Batch: new Year Daji (Real Long 198 * cm)(3.0#喜气盈门财运久,福星高照利源长 横批:新春大吉(实长198*32CM)) ¥8.9 44 pay available
    1.3# Fulai Shipped to Homexw, Wealth and Wealth Long Horizontal Approval: Smooth Sailing (Real Long 117 * 21cm)(1.3#福来运到家兴旺,财添人和富贵长 横批:一帆风顺(实长117*21CM)) ¥4.9 238 pay available
    3.0# Yingchun Received Fuqianye Sheng, and Amass Fortunes Everything Went Smoothly: Everything Goes Well (Real Length 198 * cm)(3.0#迎春接福千业盛,招财进宝万事兴 横批:万事如意(实长198*32CM)) ¥8.9 179 pay available
    2.2# Fortune and Fortune Are Here Every Year, and Lucky Wealth Comes Day by Day: Good Luck (Real Length 178 * 28cm)(2.2#富贵吉祥年年在,如意财源日日来 横批:万事如意(实长178*28CM)) ¥7.9 232 pay available
    4.0# Happy Business Is Booming Every Year, and Good Fortune Comes Day by Day. Business Is Booming (Real Length 225 * 34cm)(4.0#顺心生意年年旺,如意财源日日来。生意兴隆 (实长225*34CM)) ¥9.9 38 pay available
    1.3# Smooth Sailing Niannianhao, Everything Goes Well Step by Step: My Lucky Stars (Real Length 117 * 21cm)(1.3#一帆风顺年年好,万事如意步步高 横批:福星高照(实长117*21CM)) ¥4.9 402 pay available
    1.1# The Family Has a High Blessing Star, and the Wealth Is as Good as Expected. It Is a Smooth Sailing (98 * 17cm Long)(1.1#家有福星高高照,财如人意滚滚来 横批:一帆风顺(实长98*17CM)) ¥3.9 397 pay available
    1.6# Welcome to the Spring to Receive Fuqianye Sheng, Amass Fortunes Everything Will Be Approved: Good Luck (Real Length 148 * 24cm)(1.6#迎春接福千业盛,招财进宝万事兴 横批:吉祥如意(实长148*24CM)) ¥5.9 12 pay available
    1.3# The Family Will Be Prosperous, fuwang, Fortune, Prosperity, Prosperity and Prosperity: Good Luck (Real Length 117 * 21cm)(1.3#家兴人兴事业兴,福旺财旺运气旺 横批:万事如意(实长117*21CM)) ¥4.9 2248 pay available
    4.0# Businesses Thrive Wealth, Prosperity, Wealth and Wealth, Long and Horizontal Approval: five Blessings (Real Length 225 * 34cm)(4.0#百业兴旺财源广,万事顺心富贵长 横批:五福临门(实长225*34CM)) ¥9.9 330 pay available
    1.3# Ding Cai Entered the Home and Prospered, and the Wealth Was as Rich as Spring and the Whole Hall Was Horizontal: Safe Trip (Real Length 117 * 21cm)(1.3#丁财两进家兴旺,富贵如春福满堂 横批:出入平安(实长117*21CM)) ¥4.9 75 pay available
    1.6# Career Shunjing Wealth Source Wide, Rich and Safe Fu Mantang Horizontal Approval: Good Luck (Real Length 148 * 24cm)(1.6#事业顺景财源广,富贵平安福满堂 横批:吉祥如意(实长148*24CM)) ¥5.9 358 pay available
    2.2# People and Families Are Happy, Safe and Ruyi Niannianhao Horizontal Approval: safe Trip (Real Length 178 * 28cm)(2.2#人和家顺事事兴,平安如意年年好 横批:出入平安(实长178*28CM)) ¥7.9 94 pay available
    2.2# My Lucky Stars Long and Rich, Everything You Want Is Always Safe and Horizontal: Smooth Sailing (Real Length 178 * 28cm)(2.2#福星高照长富贵,心想事成永平安 横批:一帆风顺(实长178*28CM)) ¥7.9 142 pay available
    1.3# Flowers Bloom as You like Niannianhao, Bamboo Presages Safety Step-by-Step Horizontal Approval: Smooth Sailing (Real Length 117 * 21cm)(1.3#花开如意年年好,竹报平安步步高 横批:一帆风顺(实长117*21CM)) ¥4.9 42 pay available
    2.2# Business Is Booming All over the World, the Source of Wealth Reached Dasanjiang. Business Is Booming (Real Long 178 * 28cm)(2.2#生意兴隆通四海,财源广进达三江。生意兴隆(实长178*28CM)) ¥7.9 29 pay available
    3.0# Business Is Prosperous, Rich and Safe Fu Mantang Horizontal Approval: Safe Trip (Real Long 198 * cm)(3.0#事业顺景财源广,富贵平安福满堂 横批:出入平安(实长198*32CM)) ¥8.9 268 pay available
    4.0# Welcome to the Spring to Pick up the Fuqing Peace, Make a Fortune and Celebrate the Reunion: All the Best (Real Length 225 * 34cm)(4.0#迎春接福庆平安,恭喜发财贺团圆 横批:万事如意(实长225*34CM)) ¥9.9 96 pay available
    1.3# Welcome the Rich and Rich in the Spring, Receive the Blessing, Receive the Wealth, Receive the Peace and Horizontal Approval: the New Year Is Good (the Real Length Is 117 * 21cm)(1.3#迎春迎喜迎富贵,接福接财接平安 横批:新春大吉(实长117*21CM)) ¥4.9 439 pay available
    1.6# Safe and Lucky Star Photo, lucky Fortune and Good Fortune: Five Blessings (Real Length 148 * 24cm)(1.6#平安如意福星照,富贵吉祥好运来 横批:五福临门(实长148*24CM)) ¥5.9 262 pay available
    1.1# Fu Shou Qi Adds Wealth and Wealth, People Are Prosperous and Prosperous, and They Are Safe and Peaceful: good Luck (Actual Length 98 * 17cm)(1.1#福寿齐添长富贵,人兴财旺永平安 横批:吉祥如意(实长98*17CM)) ¥3.9 3482 pay available
    2.2# Five Blessings Lucky Luck, Everything Goes Well as Expected: My Lucky Stars (Actual Length 178 * 28cm)(2.2#五福临门鸿运开,万事顺心如意来 横批:福星高照(实长178*28CM)) ¥7.9 262 pay available
    1.6# Year round Scenery Homexw, Four Seasons Peace Fu Mantang Horizontal Approval: Good Luck (Real Length 148 * 24cm)(1.6#全年顺景家兴旺,四季平安福满堂 横批:万事如意(实长148*24CM)) ¥5.9 169 pay available
    3.0# Business Is Booming, the Source of Wealth Reached Dasanjiang. Business Is Booming (Real Long 198 * cm)(3.0#生意兴隆通四海,财源广进达三江。生意兴隆(实长198*32CM)) ¥8.9 28 pay available
    2.2# Ding Cailiang Jin Ping Anzhai, Rich and Rich, Happy Family: Good Luck (Real Long 178 * 28cm)(2.2#丁财两进平安宅,富贵双全幸福家 横批:万事如意(实长178*28CM)) ¥7.9 22 pay available
    4.0# The Family Is Harmonious, and the Career Is Booming and the Wealth Is Gathered: Five Blessings (Real Length 225 * 34cm)(4.0#家庭和睦常纳福,事业兴隆永聚财 横批:五福临门(实长225*34CM)) ¥9.9 685 pay available
    3.0# Welcome the New Year Ping An Fu, Happy to Receive the Lucky Fortune of the Four Seasons: the New Year Is Good (Real Length 198 * cm)(3.0#喜迎新春平安福,乐接四季如意财 横批:新春大吉(实长198*32CM)) ¥8.9 355 pay available
    3.0# Heshun Welcome Wealth, Good Luck to Pick up Ping An Fu Horizontal Batch: Smooth Sailing (Real Length 198 * cm)(3.0#和顺迎进富贵财,好运接来平安福 横批:一帆风顺(实长198*32CM)) ¥8.9 195 pay available
    3.0# Spring Full of Yutang Adds Wealth, Flowers Bloom Golden House Wangding Fortune Wholesale: Five Blessings (Real Length 198 * cm)(3.0#春满玉堂添富贵,花开金屋旺丁财 横批:五福临门(实长198*32CM)) ¥8.9 999999 pay available
    1.6# Good Luck Often Adds Wealth, and Smiles of Fortune Is Always Safe and Horizontal Batch: New Year's Great Luck (Real Length 148 * 24cm)(1.6#好运常来添富贵,吉星高照永平安 横批:新春大吉(实长148*24CM)) ¥5.9 186 pay available
    1.6# Fuwang, Fortune, Prosperity, Prosperity, Prosperity, Prosperity, Prosperity, and Prosperity: Good Luck (Real Length 148 * 24cm)(1.6#福旺财旺运气旺,家兴人兴事业兴 横批:万事如意(实长148*24CM)) ¥5.9 69 pay available
    Summary 0 pay Subtotal:¥ 0 Selected ∧
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